The Park Network connects the neighborhood’s parks and open spaces into a linked set of assets that support and uplift each other while providing connection, joy, and play.

About the TL Park Network | Events Calendar |


The Tenderloin Park Network connects the neighborhood’s parks and open spaces into a linked set of assets that support and uplift each other while providing connection, joy, and play. The Park Network is led by Tenderloin Community Benefit District in partnership with Tenderloin Housing Clinic, La Voz Latina, Lower Polk Community Benefit District, Tenderloin Boys & Girls Clubhouse, San Francisco Recreation and Park Department, and Trust for Public Land.

The spaces in the TL Park Network currently include:

  • Sgt. Macaulay Park (Larkin & O Farrell) – 9am – 8pm, Daily
  • Boeddeker Park (246 Eddy) – 9am to 7pm, Daily
  • Turk-Hyde Mini Park (Turk & Hyde) – 9am-8pm, Daily

All programs are free and open to all, including adults not accompanied by children.

Learn more or get involved in the Inviting Space Program by contacting JaLil Turner at [email protected].

Boeddeker Park