Meeting Schedules | Meeting Agendas/Minutes | Our Board of Directors | Committee Descriptions
Meeting Schedules | Meeting Agendas/Minutes | Our Board of Directors | Committee Descriptions
08.21.2024: Special Meeting Agenda | Minutes
06.25.2024: Agenda | Minutes
05.22.2024: Agenda | Minutes
03.27.2024: Agenda | Minutes
02.05.2024: Special Meeting Agenda | Minutes
01.27.2024: Annual Retreat Agenda | Minutes
11.15.2023: Agenda | Minutes
09.27.2023: Agenda | Minutes
08.23.2023: Special Meeting Agenda | Minutes
06.26.2023: Special Meeting Agenda | Minutes
05.22.2023: Agenda | Minutes
03.27.2023: Agenda | Minutes
02.15.2023: Special Meeting Agenda | Minutes
05.15.2024: Agenda | Minutes
04.17.2024: Agenda | Minutes
02.21.2024: Agenda | Minutes
12.20.2023: Agenda | Minutes
10.18.2023: Agenda | Minutes
09.20.2023: Agenda | Minutes
06.23.2023: Agenda | Minutes
05.17.2023: Agenda | Minutes
04.26.2023: Agenda | Minutes
03.15.2023: Agenda | Minutes
02.15.2023: Agenda | Minutes
06.05.2024: Agenda | Minutes
05.01.2024: Agenda | Minutes
04.03.2024: Agenda | Minutes
03.06.2024: Agenda | Minutes
02.07.2024: Agenda | Minutes
12.06.2023: Agenda | Minutes
11.01.2023: Agenda | Minutes
10.04.2023: Agenda | Minutes
09.06.2023: Agenda | Minutes
08.02.2023: Agenda | Minutes
06.07.2023: Agenda | Minutes
05.03.2023: Agenda | Minutes
04.05.2023: Agenda | Minutes
06.21.2024: Agenda | Minutes
05.08.2024: Agenda | Minutes
04.10.2024: Cancelled | Minutes
03.13.2024: Agenda | Minutes
02.14.2024: Agenda | Minutes
10.11.2023: Agenda | Minutes
09.13.2023: Agenda | Minutes
08.09.2023: Agenda | Minutes
06.07.2023: Agenda | Minutes
05.10.2023: Agenda | Minutes
04.12.2023: Agenda | Minutes
Justin Bautista
Resident Seat
Nafy Flatley
At-Large Seat
Brennan Foley
Property Owner Seat
Hilton Hotel
Gordon Leung
Property Owner Seat
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC)
Bilal Mahmood, Treasurer
Resident Seat
Naomi Maisel, President
Business Owner Seat
La Cocina Municipal Marketplace
Isabel Manchester, Vice President
Property Owner Seat
Phoenix Hotel
Geoffrey McFarland
Business Owner Seat
St. Anthony Foundation
Diana Pang, Secretary
Property Owner Seat
Chinatown Community Development Center (CCDC)
Patricia Tu
Business Owner Seat
Quoc Long Jewelry
Kristen Villalobos
Property Owner Seat
San Francisco Community Land Trust
Shelbey Weidemann
Property Owner Seat
UC Law San Francisco
Operations & Stewardship Committee
The Operations and Stewardship Committee provides guidance and direction for the following program operations: Clean, Safe, Cameras, and Parks.
Finance, Administration & Fund Development Committee
The Finance, Administration & Fund Development Committee is responsible for reviewing the financial planning, policies, and performance of the organization.
Policy & Voice Committee
The Policy & Voice Committee provides guidance and policy direction for the following departments: Economic Opportunity, Inviting Space, Youth Voice, Street Safety advocacy, and Neighborhood Pride. This is a robust committee that shapes TLCBD strategic policy, advocacy, and organizing direction, and represents TLCBD’s voice in centering youth, families, seniors, and small businesses.