Safe Passage resident Corner Captains with a group of volunteers.
When Safe Passage Corner Captains are out along “the Route”, safe protocols call for regular check-ins over walkie-talkie. In this regular column, we’ll share with you updates, field notes, and other highlights from this important program.
Safe Passage Checking In . . . Volume III
Our Corner Captains are the backbone of the Safe Passage Program. The core of the program involves monitoring key high-risk street corners in the Tenderloin during the after-school commute times and in the mornings during Safe Passage Senior. They are a constant visual safety presence and resource for neighborhood youth. Each day, they are paid with the smiles of the youth they serve.
Survey response screen shot.
Last April, we administered a youth survey to 111 young program participants from partners at YMCA, Cross Cultural Center, Boys and Girls Club, Salvation Army, and Glide Family Center. Ages of survey participants ranged rom 5 to 11 years old. A couple screen shots of those surveys are visible above and below.
Questions we asked were:
- How old are you?
- Do you know what this group is? Circle: YES or NO
- What does this group do?
- How do you feel when you see this group in the Tenderloin?
Of the youth surveyed, more than 80% said they immediately recognized Safe Passage, easily distinguished by their colorful vests. When asked how they felt when they saw the group, some responses included statements such as “I feel safe” and “I feel happy and smile”. One youth said they feel like eating pizza. We can’t argue with that.
With Safe Passage involvement in a number of TLCBD projects including the Turk-Hyde Mini Park Pilot, MTA’s Safer Taylor Street, and Safe Passage Senior, we are busier than ever. With the school year about to start, we need your help now more than ever in helping to make kids feel safe, happy, smiling and hungry for pizza!
Join us in serving the Tenderloin through this important program. Whether you want to volunteer for one shift or several, as an individual or group, we welcome you to join us in the rewarding experience of having a direct positive impact in the community.
New volunteers receive education, training, and support before working alongside more experienced Corner Captains. After a two-week trial period, Tenderloin resident Corner Captains may be eligible to receive a monetary stipend.
We offer a number of volunteer opportunities and safety trainings throughout the entire year. If you’re interested in volunteering with, or becoming one of our Corner Captains, please contact us:
· via online form
· email at [email protected]
· by phone 415-292-4812
· in-person at 512 Ellis Street
Orientations for new volunteers occur on the second Thursdays of the month at 12:30pm.
Special accommodations can be made if those days do not work for you. Everyone is welcome, from individuals to groups.
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