Dodge Alley is located on Turk St between Larkin St and Hyde St

TLCBD is working with residents and block partners to transform Dodge Place, a neglected alleyway in the Tenderloin -currently burdened with intense open air drug use and violence – into a healthy, activated, and aesthetically positive community experience for nearby families and seniors. Temporary activations such as live music and art performances, outdoor dining, and art, chess and gardening classes for residents will serve as the pilot for more permanent community-led physical improvements including a living green wall, planter boxes, murals, and colorful design and lighting elements. The alley will be transformed into space for seniors to sit and relax, play bingo, and neighbors to gather to eat, chat, and enjoy performances.

Project partners include Build Inc, Central City SRO Collaborative, Fauvescraper Studio, Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Mark Bonsignore, and Shovels Bar. This project is made possible with support from AARP and UC Hastings.