If you are a frequent visitor to Boeddeker Park then you probably already know Patrick Roddy, TLCBD’s new Park Network Operations Manager. Patrick is responsible for managing TLCBD Park Captains,... read more →
Here are some photos from our latest Play Streets event —a day for kids and families, hopscotch, music, storytelling, postcard-writing, chalk art, putt putt golf, and time outside. This event... read more →
TLCBD, Livable City, and other neighborhood partners are getting ready for the next Play Streets, Saturday, April 10th, 10-2pm. Join us on the 100 Block of Golden Gate for some... read more →
TLCBD is hiring! Part-time Park Captains will be responsible for fostering clean, safe, and inviting parks in the Tenderloin by having a physical presence at the parks and positively engaging... read more →
TLCBD welcomes TL resident Cyntia Salazar as our new Macaulay Park Captain Coordinator. If you see her, be sure to say hello! Cyntia adds: "I’m thrilled to join the TLCBD... read more →
Do you live or work in the Tenderloin? Do you take pride in your neighborhood? Do you have ideas of changes you would like to see? Help design your neighborhood! We... read more →
This will be the first year that Turk-Hyde Mini Park and Sgt. Macaulay Park will be joining Boeddeker Park in some holiday tree festivities! Join the TLCBD, Tenderloin People's Congress,... read more →
TLCBD is hiring a full-time Park Captain Coordinator. This person will be responsible for fostering clean, safe, and inviting parks in the Tenderloin by managing the park stewardship program, including... read more →
A Thai immigrant finds creative inspiration and a new home in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco. For more visit: www.tancreations.com Starring Tan Sirinumas Directed & Edited – Matthew Bunker... read more →
For this week’s #TLTogether meet Ink Dwell Studio founder and artist, Jane Kim. You may have been walking through the Tenderloin, looked up and seen her Monarch butterflies... read more →